Monday, April 25, 2016

Week Fourteen: Still Searching...

This week was a nice continuation of last week, in which I attempted to incorporate some of the new resources I have, such as the JAWS reader series I mentioned before and the Genocide Archive, with the “older” resources such as my notebook and Memrise. Even though I am happy I found them, and I am happy they exist for L2 learners, in general, I think the JAWS reader series might be a little below my comprehension-level. Accordingly, I am excited to use this summer to locate some new resources. Dr. T mentioned a new textbook from the National African Languages Resource Center that I would be interested in exploring. It is called Tuvuge Ikinyarwanda. And I am sure I can locate a number of sources while in country this summer.

            In regard to my progress this semester, I recently contacted B again, in order to discuss scheduling the oral portion of my final assessment. He hasn’t responded yet, but it’s still early, and I am trying not to be as discouraged as I was last week about the situation. Maybe this particular component of my language study isn’t going so well, but others aspects are, or they have gone well historically, or they will go better in the future. My rather weak attempt at re-evaluating my perspective!

            I also posted a lesson on descriptive adjectives on my language-learning website. I am pretty proud of the lesson specifically, as well as my website more broadly. Even if others don’t use it, it’s a very nice knowledge database for me, where all information is centrally located and put in terms that I understand. I think such an initiative is important for Less Commonly Taught Languages, for me, for potential learners, for the language itself.

            Finally, my trip to Rwanda is coming along, and I think I have got a lead in terms of accommodation. Sadly, I still cannot find an inexpensive flight as of yet. I thought I found a ridiculously cheap flight, and I was very excited about it and preparing to take the leap, but then I realized that the price reflected a one-way trip, and the price was actually double what I thought it was.

Still searching… For sources, for perspectives, for language partners, for flights…

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