Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Week Thirteen: Kinyarwanda in a Time of Chaos

            Due to the anticipation of Thanksgiving break, I entered this week knowing that my language study was likely going to be a bit of a struggle. Lack of consistent internet access made it worse than I imagined, but given my poor productivity in the weeks leading up to break, I knew that I had to plan extra carefully if I wanted to get things done. So, in as much as I could, I attempted just that!
            As I mentioned in class, when I am at my family home, I can be a little deceitful when it comes to being productive. Although they want me to succeed and try to support me, I don’t think they recognize the full extent of my commitments, particularly how much time coursework, teaching, and independent language study take up. So, sometimes, I “lie.” After I wake up, I stay in my bedroom for a half hour to an hour and commit time to something productive. Or if that is not possible, for instance, when my mother knocked on my window to let her back in (because she had locked herself out), I take a “nap” later in the day or I “go to bed early” and have a little study time. This way, I can get anywhere between a half hour to three hours of guilt-free studying completed.

            In last week’s instance, I made sure to spend some time with the Bible in Kinyarwanda, as I recognized that was lacking in my study schedule in recent weeks. Even though I haven’t always necessarily seen the relevance of translation to my study, I have recently returned to it with a new fervor, because of my anticipated trip to archives with Kinyarwanda sources this summer. Indeed, I think the ability to translate is more important now than ever.

            In addition to studying while “sleeping,” I also managed to slip in some flashcard time at Thanksgiving dinner. I didn’t do it while at the table, because that would be rude, but I notice that members of my generation have their phones out during downtime anyway, texting, playing games, or scrolling through the internet/Facebook. So, I decided I would join them this time. Of course, I assume everyone thought I was participating in activities similar to my peers, but I was only looking through Memrise. Accordingly, it was a win-win- I fit in with my cousins (albeit deceitfully), and I got to study!

            Beyond Thursday, however, I did not have internet connectivity, so I was unable to meet with my language partner, but I intend to meet with her via Skype this week.

            In conclusion, it wasn’t a perfect week, but I’m not sure I’ve encountered one of those yet. I am proud of my accomplishments though, because I think it’s almost a little more noteworthy to study even a little during a chaotic week than it is to study extensively during a relaxed one.

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